Sunday 10 April 2011


Daniel 12:2
Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some
to everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting contempt.

How many times have you heard someone say, ''It'll be nice and warm in hell,or I'll see my friends down there?''  How foolish these people are.  The realities of hell are presented in the scriptures.
Daniel 12:22 is described as a place of ''shame and everlasting contempt.''  Luke 16:23 talks about ''torments''.  Matthew 8:12 describes ''weeping and gnashing of teeth.''  And Revelation says there will be ''no rest.''

         Don't choose to spend eternity,
          where pain will never dim;
        instead decide to trust in Christ
              and choose to follow Him.(Sper)

  The same Christ who talks about the glories of heaven also describes the horrors of hell.

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