Monday 11 April 2011

Dreams and one that changed my life.

Matthew 2:22
But because he (Joseph) heard that Archelaus was ruling over Judea
in the place of his Father  Herod he was afraid to go there. And being divinely warned in a dream he withdrew to the region of Galilee.

Most of us at some point of our lives have had dreams.  If we look from the O.T.- N.T, we can see that throughout many people had dreams, and each of these dreams had a significant purpose.

God came to Abimelech (Genesis 20:3) in a dream at night warning him that he would be a dead man because he had taken Abraham's wife as his own.  Jacob dreamed that a ladder was set up on earth, and the top of it reached heaven; and angels of God were ascending and descending.  And God stood over Jacob saying...'I will give to you and to your descendants the land which you are lying....(Genesis 28:12-13).  Matthew 1:20, Joseph dreamed of an angel of the Lord appearing to him, telling him not to be afraid and to take Mary as his wife.  These are only three examples but there
are many more, and each dream was to change their lives.

Have you had a dream?  I don't mean a day dream, I mean a night dream that has changed everything good or bad.
I have and that dream brought me to God asking Him into my life and acknowledging Jesus as my Saviour.
My dream was so real, it was a battle between God and Satan and every so often a voice would say 'Jesus Christ is Lord.'  I remember trying to shake the dream off, but I couldn't not even the next day;
it kept on in my mind continually throughout the day.  At that time
I couldn't understand what was happening or what it meant, the battle I had dreamed the night before had been fierce.  I had no rest from that dream until I finely knew that God was calling me to Him.
That was a dream that changed my life, and I will always thank God
for that.

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